Sapphire and SapphireOne : macOS Sierra and Windows 10 certified

We are proud to announce that Sapphire and SapphireOne 15.2.1 is certified for macOS Sierra and the latest Windows 10 Anniversary Update 2016.

Apple’s macOS and Microsoft’s Windows 10 both enable you to use virtual desktops, but Microsoft lets you do more at once which is handy if you have a larger screen. However, you can do multitasking and boost your business productivity on both systems.

The certification process for both new systems from Apple and Microsoft is actively running for both 4D v15. Therefore, because Sapphire and SapphireOne are built on top of 4D language, it is now by default macOS 10.12 Sierra and Windows 10 certified.

Sapphire and SapphireOne : macOS Sierra and Windows 10 certified

SapphireOne server is now 64-bit certified.

The Sapphire single user is 32-bit certified and will progress to 64-bit certification in version 16 of Sapphire.

Sapphire web pack is now 64-bit certified supporting the latest release of HTML5. The users of both macOS sierra and windows 10 will benefit significantly from the extensive and feature rich functionality that these current new release operating systems will bring to the user experience.

SapphireOne client is 32-bit certified and will progress to 64-bit certification in version 16 of SapphireOne.

The expected release of Sapphire single user version 16 is due for release in the second quarter of 2017.