Single Touch Payroll Software included in SapphireOne – no need for exemptions or deferrals
August 16, 2019 10:35 am | by John Adams

SapphireOne has been certified since 1 May 2018 with clients enjoying the free Single Touch Payroll software since 1 July 2018. Submission to the ATO is fast and reliable. SapphireOne continues to deliver a seamless transition to the new payroll system.
But for the ATO there has been problems. Confusion in the market surrounding the STP system, coupled with other payroll companies incomplete integration has led to employers being unable to submit. Extensions have been applied for employers with 19 or less employees. They can start reporting any time up to 30 September 2019. Deferrals from the ATO can also be requested.
Stress-free Single Touch Payroll Software in SapphireOne
SapphireOne Single Touch Payroll submissions are compliant, fast and efficient. Clients have been effortlessly communicating with the ATO since they announced the new way of reporting.
How to submit in SapphireOne:
- Go to Payroll Mode
- In the top tool bar go to History, Pay Run Log / STP
- Select the latest Pay Run and click STP Submit button in the bottom right of the screen.
NOTE: Often the ATO will not respond immediately and you will receive a message informing you of no results for the service. Close down and come back after 30-60 minutes.
Upon returning, go back into Pay Run Log and highlight the same Pay Run/ STP. Select the button – STP Get Result, located to the left of the STP Submit button.
You may need to return the following day if there is still no result as it can take up to 72 hours to get a result from the ATO.
When the STP report has been accepted by the ATO, you will receive confirmation alert – Report Submitted Successfully.
It’s that easy.
Common errors related to STP submissions
These occur when incorrect data is entered in the employee records. Examples are date of birth, postcode or suburb are missing, or invalid Tax File Number.
If you receive an ATO message relating to these fields, correct the data, select the Pay Run and click STP Resubmit button in the bottom right corner of the screen.
A pop-up screen will appear, tick the box – This is an Amendment.
It’s that easy.
Follow the links for more information regarding Single Touch Payroll in SapphireOne or for latest features of SapphireOne ERP, CRM, DMS and Business Accounting Software Application. Alternatively, contact our office on (02) 8362 4500 or request a demo.
Payroll System Australia- how to understand the mandatory ATO obligations
April 1, 2019 1:09 pm | by John Adams

We have all heard about STP (Single Touch Payroll) reporting requirements, but are you ready? In case you haven’t heard, STP is the new way of reporting tax and super information to the ATO. Cut-off date is nearing with compliance on 1st July 2019.
Phase 1: Single Touch Payroll became mandatory on 1st July 2018 for all employers with 20 or more employees.
Phase 2: Single Touch Payroll will be mandatory for employers with 19 or less employees from 1st July 2019. Since July 2018, all employers were able to move over to the new reporting system.
If you use a payroll or accounting software, your provider should offer STP. Ask for their accreditation and how long they have been offering the service, this ensures your payroll obligations are streamlined. SapphireOne Payroll System Australia has been accredited since 1st May 2018 with clients enjoying from 1st July 2018.
Ultimately, it’s your responsibility as the employer to ensure you are STP enabled. Every time you run your payroll, you have to send employees’ tax and super information to the ATO. Don’t fall into the danger of smaller software companies claiming to be accredited. Make sure they will help you with the transition.
What are the next steps for your Payroll System in Australia?
If your software company is not ready, check they have applied for a deferred start. The ATO is more lenient for clients and companies of 19 or less employees. Here is the link for ATO deferred start conditions
Otherwise it is important to ensure you train all your staff who will be involved in payroll. Go through current employees’ payroll details and check they are up to date.
Once you are STP ready, take a look at the following steps recommend by the ATO. This ensures the files you send to the ATO are successful. ATO start reporting checklist.
If you are not ready, contact your accounting software’s support team and keep up to date with their communications.
SapphireOne was the first to achieve world-wide full STP accreditation on 1st May 2018. Our clients have been enjoying the benefits since July 2018. For more information – SapphireOne Business Accounting System and STP.