ATO + SapphireOne = Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM) to manage your company authorisations.

Your AUSkey will retire in March 2020 and will be replaced with myGovID.

Your AUSkey will retire in March 2020 and will be replaced with myGovID.

At the end of March 2020 your AUSkey will no longer be valid and will be replaced with your myGovID. Your myGovID can be managed using the ATO’s Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM) –  This will allow you to link your myGovID to your ABN and manage who can act on behalf of your business online.

You can already use myGovID and RAM for some participating government online services. This will extend to more government online services that use AUSkey or Manage ABN Connections.

Before you can submit a Single Touch Payroll event (STP) or submit a Business Activity Statement (BAS) through Standard Business Reporting (SBR), your AUSkey will need to be replaced by new machine credentials which are a component of the Machine to Machine (M2M) authentication solution.

Please click on the link below which explains how to create the machine credentials in the ATO Relationship Authorisation Manager which includes the steps you need to complete and details on installing the browser extension. There are several links to videos which will guide you through the process.

Machine credentials

The machine credential is installed on your computer and facilitates you to interact with the ATO online services through SapphireOne.

The Machine credentials are created in the Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM) and replaces the AUSkey.
You will need to download and install the application plugin (Machine credential download/browser extension) compatible with your computer’s operating system:

  • Windows – Chrome and Firefox
  • MAC OS – Chrome and Firefox
  • Linux – Chrome and Firefox

Please note: Apple Safari, Windows Explorer, Microsoft Edge will not work with this plugin.

SapphireOne requirements are 17.2.1 or greater.

Please visit the Australian Taxation Office website for more details:

ATO system upgrades over Christmas & New Year time | STP and SBR will be unavailable

ATO System updates 2020, SBR and STP will be unavailable

From midday AEDT on Tuesday 24 December 2019 ATO systems will progressively become unavailable until 6.00am AEDT on Thursday 2 January 2020 while ATO complete major system upgrades. This means during Christmas and New Year period starting from  24 December 2019 to 2 January 2020 ATO online services will be unavailable.

List of ATO online systems:

  • ATO app (some features)
  • ATO Online services for Agents
  • ATO Online services for Individuals and Sole Traders
  • ATO Online services for non-residents
  • ATO Online services simulator
  • AUSid
  • Australian Business Register
  • Business Portal
  • Bulk Data Exchange
  • Data Transfer Facility
  • Departing Australia Superannuation Payment
  • EmployerTick
  • Progress of Return
  • Practitioner lodgement service
  • Single Touch Payroll
  • Small Business Superannuation Clearing House
  • Standard Business Reporting
  • Statement of tax record
  • SuperTick

Access to STP, SBR and Payment will be limited

All SBR inbound services for the Practitioner Lodgment Service (PLS) enabled services will be offline during the closedown period. Single Touch Payroll (STP) will operate in a capture and store mode only. To support member rollovers, the SuperTICK service in single request processor (SRP) will remain operational across the full shutdown period. If you plan on working during Christmas & New Year time, your system access will be limited. You will be able to report using STP, but these records will not be processed or visible until ATO systems are available in the new year. You will not be able to lodge returns, activity statements and forms during this time. Payments via BPAY, EFT or Australia Post. will not be visible until the ATO systems are available. 

SapphireOne advises that you process your payroll before 23rd December 2019 in order to avoid any kind of inconvenience.

Our office will close at 5pm on Monday 23 December 2019 and will re-open on Monday 6 January 2020 at 8.30am.

over Christmas & New Year time 2020

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year