Make Your Life Easier with SapphireOne’s Integrated Document Management
May 26, 2020 8:32 am | by John Adams

Some more so than others, but nearly all types of transactions involve paperwork needing to manually be sorted through and filed appropriately. This process is time-consuming and quite frankly, not very exciting for any accounting team member. However, SapphireOne has developed a solution readily available to your company as it offers an ERP software application with an integrated document management.
An ERP framework is a versatile accounting tool that supports the incorporation of different segments of any day-to-day business, ranging from processing of orders to managing inventories and shipments etc. Metaphorically speaking, an ERP software is the ‘Swiss army knife’ of data management. If it is coupled with an integrated document management system, the process of filing any paperwork stemming from various business activities becomes a walk in the park, as the two components work hand in hand to facilitate efficient and effective document management for any organisation or company.
The Benefits of Integrated Document Management
There are five distinct advantages for you and your company related to adopting SapphireOne’s ERP solution in respect of document management tasks such as sorting, searching and filing:
1. Time- and Labour-Efficient
An ERP system with the capacity for integrated document management allows you to conveniently sort and file large amounts of paperwork created by various transactions electronically with ease. The process also becomes much less labour-intensive, meaning your accounting team can shift their focus on more productive tasks.
2. Fluidity and Departmental Integration
The ERP solution offers the possibility of making your company function like one single beehive, interconnecting it on all fundamental levels and consequently, enabling instantaneous sharing of information between all departments, which leads to a high degree of fluidity that is desirable for any type of business. For instance, the customer service team will not need to contact the accounts department anymore in order to retrieve details on inventory, locations, taxes, customers or any other relevant information. Instead, any department can access all data directly via an ERP dashboard.
3. Privacy and Security
Any integrated management of documents via an ERP software application enables the implementation of a risk-stratified security protocol for accessing sensitive information contained within them. As a result, you can effectively specify and monitor who is able to, as well as who actually accesses, any protected data.
4. Lower Management Expenses
Unlike manual processes of organising, filing, sorting and searching paperwork, electronically managing documents incurs no additional expenditures for printing and storage of such. Further, it also reduces the need of allocating valuable human resources to tasks such as searching and filing of documents, as these can be attended to electronically i.e. in a more efficient manner. A reduction of paper consumption also has the positive outcome of improving the eco-friendliness of your company.
5. Improve Decision-making Process
An ERP compatible with integrated document management enhances your as well as your employees’ decision-making skills. By easing the access to all relevant data and information pertaining to branches such as sales, expenses and general transactions, all possible options and outcomes can be weighed up. Resultingly, the decision-maker can rest assured that the ultimate outcome is based on a foundation of thorough research. It is essentially the accumulation of such critical decisions that determine the fate of a company.
The integrated document management system offered by SapphireOne excels with its capacity of attaching documents to transactions and all major tables. If you would like for your business to be able to take advantage of all the aforementioned benefits, it is as easy as implementing SapphireOne’s world-class ERP, CRM & Business Accounting Software. Please contact us to request a live demo and/or read the testimonials from our long-standing clients.
Give your Business a fresh start in new financial year 2018-2019
June 26, 2018 10:05 am | by John Adams
A new financial year can be a perfect time for making changes in your business. You can use this time to improve the efficiency by implementing a new ERP/CRM/DMS such as SapphireOne.
The vast majority of organisations and businesses are running various applications. Examples include using spreadsheets for budgeting, separate databases for tracking contacts, and inventory managements systems that are not linked adequately. They are often running separate Payroll and human resource (HR) systems and not linked to their financial date. This makes it difficult to manage people in your organisation or business.
It is essential that in today’s demanding business environment that we obtain a single point of truth. This relates to the organisation and business data requirements. SapphireOne ERP,CRM,DMS application shines in this area.
SapphireOne ERP,CRM,DMS works with your accountant or financial advisor. The system will compile all your financial statements and end of financial year reports. Once this is completed, it is an extremely simple process to copy last year’s actuals. These are for your general ledger and placed into the budget for the coming financial year.
Improve your business performance this financial year with SapphireOne
When reviewing your business financial data, SapphireOne’s integrates general ledger budgeting. There is the ability to store multiple budgets, per general ledger. This allows you to copy those budgets to revised budgets if required. This puts you in a perfect position to review your business performance and make strategic decisions to help your business be more profitable and grow.
Improve your Profit and Sales performance
SapphireOne ERP has Dashboards, also called Business Intelligences (BI) or Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Dashboards. These present business statistics and performance indicators in a visually attractive and graphically intuitive interface. The dashboards utilises graphs, bar charts and other visually engaging design elements that provide a succinct overview of a business’s financial standings. This is where you can quickly and visually view the profitability, sales performance and cash flow. This will ensure your overall business performance improves.
SapphireOne can help you to draw insights from the current financial and cash flow position, review your client’s performance in the past year which will facilitate you to support your client in mapping out their business goals for the next 12 months.
For a sneak peek at the full capabilities ERP, CRM, Accounting Software, Human Resources, Payroll, Assets and Document Management, check out SapphireOne and request a live demo, it is everything you’ll ever need to make your company management a success. Know more about us.
Dynamic view of what is happening in your business with SapphireOne ERP Business Intelligence (BI) Dashboards
June 18, 2018 10:20 am | by John Adams
Business intelligence solutions today include a dashboard environment unique to each user featuring reports, graphs, tables and alerts. SapphireOne ERP generates reports that contains the key business performance indicators (KPIs) which are easily accessed by all SapphireOne users specific to their job function.
The SapphireOne ERP BI Dashboard is easy to understand, a visually intuitive graphic screen that represents a snapshot of what is happening in the fundamental areas of your business.
In SapphireOne ERP, BI Dashboard users are given a dynamic view of KPIs relevant to their key area of responsibility.Utilising thedashboards allows you to examine key processes within an organisation and highlight ones that are competitive differentiators.
SapphireOne ERP BI Dashboard can lead to business processes improving
Business process management is a holistic approach used to evaluate, improve and align business processes to an organisations’ overall goals and strategy. It ensures that your business is on the right track which in turn helps you grow your business.
Using various approaches of business process management and with the help of SapphireOne ERP BI Dashboards, you can identify the current position and primary key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success. Our BI Dashboards process and analyse your business data enabling managers to receive real-time statistics of the business.
SapphireOne is a fully integrated ERP, CRM, DMS and Business Accounting application
The Sapphire ERP application integrates all aspects of your business into one single application. It automates all processes including Inventory Management, Logistics, Distribution, Warehouse Management, Materials Resource Planning (MRP), Payroll/HR, Web Pack, Document Management System (DMS) and Contact Relationship Management (CRM).
Consolidation into a single unified database ensures greater efficiency and provides better visibility. SapphireOne has the majority of screens following the same basic layout, this enables users to quickly enter data using the same procedure throughout the software to enhance performance and ease of operation.
For a sneak peek at the full capabilities ERP, CRM, Accounting Software, Human Resources, Payroll, Assets and Document Management, check out SapphireOne and request a live demo, it is everything you’ll ever need to make your company management a success.