SapphireOne Certified ATO Digital Service Provider (DSP)
October 19, 2021 3:49 pm | by John Adams

SapphireOne approved by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) as a certified Digital Service Provider (DSP).
SapphireOne has been approved by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) as a certified Australian Digital Service Provider (DSP). The certification is in compliance against the ATO requirements of the Digital Service Provider Operational Framework.
The DSP Operational Framework is a risk scaled model that sets minimum requirements a DSP needs to meet in order to consume ATO services. The Framework seeks to protect Taxation, Accounting, Payroll and Superannuation related data and the integrity of the Taxation, Business Registry and Superannuation systems that support the Australian community.
This is achieved by setting out a minimum level of security requirements a DSP needs to meet in order to access ATO Digital Services that perform a functional role in the supply chain. It comprises of a range of controls which include but are not limited to data encryption to protect the confidentiality of client data, default onshore data hosting to limit risk of non-authorised access, and multi-factor authentication and audit logging.
Certification to ATO Certified Digital Service Provider provides SapphireOne Clients and Vendors with official endorsement that our commitment to protecting crucial security information meets ATO standards and best practices.
To find out more about SapphireOne integrated ERP, CRM, Business Accounting application and innovative software solutions, please get in touch – we’re always here to help.
SapphireOne Certified for ISO 27001:2013 Information Security Management Systems
October 19, 2021 11:17 am | by John Adams

ISO 27001:2013 Security Certification
We are happy to share that SapphireOne has been re-certified, valid until March 2024, for ISO 27001:2013. The re-certification is aligned with our previous ISO 27001 certification in 2018.
ISO 27001 is an internationally recognised standard for security information that sets global requirements for Information Security Management Systems (ISMS). The ISO standard, updated in 2013 and currently referred to as ISO/IEC 27001:2013, is considered the benchmark to maintaining customer and stakeholder confidentiality.
The ISO 27001 standard requires a systematic examination of security risks, threats, vulnerabilities and their impact. SapphireOne has achieved the certification process by demonstrating that a comprehensive system of information security controls and management processes have been implemented. These processes ensure that information security controls continue to meet the organisation’s requirements on an ongoing basis.
Certification to ISO 27001 Information Security Standards provides SapphireOne clients and vendors with an independent endorsement that our commitment to protecting crucial information security meets international standards and best practices.
To find out more about SapphireOne integrated ERP, CRM, Business Accounting application and innovative software solutions, please get in touch – we’re always here to help.
SapphireOne Multi Company Accounting Software
April 21, 2021 11:24 am | by John Adams

If you are reading this you would already know that using integrated accounting software has become a necessity when it comes to effectively managing your business operations. But what if you own multiple companies, and want to manage all of them from the same accounting software?
Running your business and managing interests in two or more legal identities can be complex and complicated. With multi-entity accounting – plus the added consideration of multiple locations, currencies, regulations and tax jurisdictions – you have a plate full of things to track and manage.
Traditionally the way to manage this has been to manually prepare separate accounting for each – expenses, currencies, payments, tax returns, and often PayRoll – which can be incredibly time consuming and leaves you praying that your BAS returns, tax and financial information is balanced.
SapphireOne ERP, CRM and Business Accounting application has been designed to tackle these challenges for businesses, and is an integrated accounting software offering unlimited multi company accounting solutions at no additional cost. SapphireOne multiple company software provides global consolidation for multiple entities, locations and currencies – all at the click of a button.
Accounting software to manage multiple companies
SapphireOne multi company accounting software gives you the ability to manage multiple companies with multi-locations, operations, currencies and tax realms completely independent from each other. These are run through a single data file, which consolidates and automates all your businesses financial activities. The single data file means that you no longer have to exit out of one company’s database to work in another, simplifying accounts payables and spending across all entities by having one integrated accounting application to house all information.
With a single data file, companies can share clients, vendors and transactions. This means that the corporate head office can view accounts from all company locations. Employees can also access inventory, customer data, invoices, orders and documents on nominated companies from different locations and devices.
SapphireOne multi company accounting software prepares individual financials and business reports for each company, ensuring that all data remains within the one entity. For group financials and all areas of the business, access can also be limited to corporate head office and management to ensure data security and integrity.
PayRoll software for multiple companies
SapphireOne is an integrated accounting software application and includes eight separate modes within the one application. This includes the ability to process multiple PayRolls for multiple companies as a standard functionality within the application.
SapphireOne’s PayRoll software for multiple companies eases the challenges of managing your team across different companies, as well as managing HR requirements and ensuring you are compliant with all Federal and State regulations.
SapphireOne PayRoll software is the best PayRoll processing software for multiple companies as it provides the functionality to allocate your employees costs across multiple companies, set up all employee locations within a company profile, allocate employees working at multiple companies to the relevant location within the PayRoll system, credit hours and costs to specific locations, split costs across multiple companies, and much more.
Run unlimited companies at no additional cost
1. No additional licenses required
SapphireOne multi company accounting software is included within the SapphireOne application at no additional cost to the user. This sets us apart from our competitors, as SapphireOne users have the ability to run an unlimited number of enterprises within the one application for NO additional costs or license fees within a single data file.
In all relevant SapphireOne data entry screens, there is the multi company functionality that allows users to split transactions between multiple companies and projects. The multi company button is only visible if you have multiple companies set up within your SapphireOne data file.
2. Flexible multi-currency solutions
If you have multiple companies across the globe that need to buy and sell in the local currency, your ERP and accounting system needs to offer a flexible multi-currency solution. With SapphireOne multi company accounting software, not only can you specify a different currency for each location to buy and sell in, you can also choose the currency you prefer your information to display within the application.
3. Multiple Federal and State tax jurisdiction solutions
As a true multi company accounting software, SapphireOne is built to handle an unlimited number of companies that can sit within different Federal and State tax jurisdictions, have their own financial year-ends and trade in their own local currency.
4. Centralised multi company reporting
As SapphireOne multi company accounting software functionality is managed within the one data file, the software facilitates companies to share centralised data, providing easy access to all reports and data across multiple companies.
Simplify multi company accounting with SapphireOne
Multi company accounting software is a necessity for business owners managing multiple entities across multiple locations. After all, having all your accounting and payroll requirements for all your entities consolidated within the one application simplifies processes and ensures the smooth flow of information and functions across all areas of your business.
To find out more about SapphireOne integrated ERP, CRM and Business Accounting application and the benefits of multi company accounting software, please feel free to get in touch with a member of our team – we’re always here to help!
4 Reasons Why We Release Early And Often
April 6, 2021 4:00 pm | by John Adams

Why we choose to release new SapphireOne versions every week
At SapphireOne our highest priority is to satisfy our clients through early and continuous delivery of valuable software solutions. We are constantly working to improve our software and release new functions for our clients every week.
In this blog post, we’ll take you through the strategy behind our decision to release new SapphireOne versions every week as part of the ‘Release Early, Release Often’ philosophy.
What is Release Early, Release Often (RERO)?
RERO is a software development philosophy that emphasises the importance of early and frequent releases of new versions. It is designed to create an open feedback loop between testers, users and developers with the goal to promote faster, higher quality software to better meet the users needs and expectations.
At SapphireOne we try to live up to the RERO philosophy as we believe it allows our software development to progress faster, enables our users to help define the SapphireOne software into the future and ultimately results in a higher quality software for our clients.

4 Benefits of Releasing Early and Often
- Improved user experience for our clients
Releasing small changes every week creates an open feedback loop between us and our clients. Our clients have the chance to experience the latest software release straight away as well as identify and respond to any bugs in real time. This allows our team to fix the requested changes and ensures that our software is continuously meeting our clients requirements. - Faster identification of bugs
Bugs can be difficult to discover without putting it in the hands of our users. Frequent release of new versions are an opportunity to test new features in real life and identify any bugs to fix quickly. Early identification of bugs ensures that our software is functioning to the best of its capability at all times. - Reduced chance of errors
Longer periods between releases increases the amount of code, features and testing – the result being increasing the possibility of errors. Having smaller, faster and more frequent versions naturally limits the number of features and therefore the number of bugs in each release. - Software that continuously meets our clients needs
Having a continuously open feedback loop between us and our clients means that our software is constantly being developed in order to meet our clients specific needs, resulting in a higher quality of software for our users that best services their unique business requirements.
You can review all our latest version and Release Notes through our new Knowledge Base. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us or book a call with a member of our Support Team – we’re always here to help!
Make Your Life Easier with SapphireOne’s Integrated Document Management
May 26, 2020 8:32 am | by John Adams

Some more so than others, but nearly all types of transactions involve paperwork needing to manually be sorted through and filed appropriately. This process is time-consuming and quite frankly, not very exciting for any accounting team member. However, SapphireOne has developed a solution readily available to your company as it offers an ERP software application with an integrated document management.
An ERP framework is a versatile accounting tool that supports the incorporation of different segments of any day-to-day business, ranging from processing of orders to managing inventories and shipments etc. Metaphorically speaking, an ERP software is the ‘Swiss army knife’ of data management. If it is coupled with an integrated document management system, the process of filing any paperwork stemming from various business activities becomes a walk in the park, as the two components work hand in hand to facilitate efficient and effective document management for any organisation or company.
The Benefits of Integrated Document Management
There are five distinct advantages for you and your company related to adopting SapphireOne’s ERP solution in respect of document management tasks such as sorting, searching and filing:
1. Time- and Labour-Efficient
An ERP system with the capacity for integrated document management allows you to conveniently sort and file large amounts of paperwork created by various transactions electronically with ease. The process also becomes much less labour-intensive, meaning your accounting team can shift their focus on more productive tasks.
2. Fluidity and Departmental Integration
The ERP solution offers the possibility of making your company function like one single beehive, interconnecting it on all fundamental levels and consequently, enabling instantaneous sharing of information between all departments, which leads to a high degree of fluidity that is desirable for any type of business. For instance, the customer service team will not need to contact the accounts department anymore in order to retrieve details on inventory, locations, taxes, customers or any other relevant information. Instead, any department can access all data directly via an ERP dashboard.
3. Privacy and Security
Any integrated management of documents via an ERP software application enables the implementation of a risk-stratified security protocol for accessing sensitive information contained within them. As a result, you can effectively specify and monitor who is able to, as well as who actually accesses, any protected data.
4. Lower Management Expenses
Unlike manual processes of organising, filing, sorting and searching paperwork, electronically managing documents incurs no additional expenditures for printing and storage of such. Further, it also reduces the need of allocating valuable human resources to tasks such as searching and filing of documents, as these can be attended to electronically i.e. in a more efficient manner. A reduction of paper consumption also has the positive outcome of improving the eco-friendliness of your company.
5. Improve Decision-making Process
An ERP compatible with integrated document management enhances your as well as your employees’ decision-making skills. By easing the access to all relevant data and information pertaining to branches such as sales, expenses and general transactions, all possible options and outcomes can be weighed up. Resultingly, the decision-maker can rest assured that the ultimate outcome is based on a foundation of thorough research. It is essentially the accumulation of such critical decisions that determine the fate of a company.
The integrated document management system offered by SapphireOne excels with its capacity of attaching documents to transactions and all major tables. If you would like for your business to be able to take advantage of all the aforementioned benefits, it is as easy as implementing SapphireOne’s world-class ERP, CRM & Business Accounting Software. Please contact us to request a live demo and/or read the testimonials from our long-standing clients.
What are APIs and are you getting the most out of your ERP?
October 4, 2019 1:31 pm | by John Adams

APIs and ERP what are they? API stands for “Application Programming Interface”. They are a set of clearly defined methods of communication among various components. A good API makes it easier to develop a computer program by providing all the necessary building blocks. These in turn are assembled by the programmer. Simply put, they define the way software and programmes interact and work together.
APIs are necessary for Enterprise Resource Planning ERP applications to ensure data is accessible with other programmes and systems. This way transactions can be directly fed into your accounting, inventory, CRM, and HR software.
APIs and SapphireOne ERP– our point of difference is they are all included
It’s part of the SapphireOne ERP all-in-one solution. We work closely with our clients and actively encourage ideas for innovation. Our programmers are happy to integrate platforms to make your working life easier.
PayPal + SapphireOneprovides an online invoicing payment solution which connects to SapphireOne for direct feeds into your bank rec.
Tyro + SapphireOneaccepts in-store EFTPOS and eCommerce online payments and direct feeds them into SapphireOne accounts.
WooCommerce, Shopify, BigCommerce + SapphireOneensures your front-end online stores are combined with back office accounting functionality.
Mailchimp + SapphireOnedelivers marketing automation and an email service to keep in touch with your contacts through SapphireOne CRM.
Stripe, CyberSource + SapphireOneaccepts credit card payments on-the-go through SapphireOne and Sapphire Web Pack.
SPS Commerce + SapphireOnegives you access to the largest network of EDI connections.
GS1 + SapphireOneGS1 barcoding is accepted in SapphireOne Inventory to streamline business processes such as traceability within a centralised database.
Brandscope + SapphireOneenables you to release and buy multiple brands and ranges on the one platform whilst linking directly to your accounts and inventory.
Splicecom + SapphireOnemaximises CRM functionality in SapphireOne with Softphone technology.
ATO + SapphireOnefull certification and useability in Single Touch Payroll (STP), Standard Business Reporting (SBR2).
Easypost, MoveIt, Startrack + SapphireOneorder and control parcel shipping, con notes and logistics directly through SapphireOne.
Expensify + SapphireOnetracks receipts and manages on-the-go expenses then connects to SapphireOne accounts for real-time reporting.
TANDA + SapphireOnecombines rostering, attendance and time clocks into SapphireOne Payroll for processing.
OANDA, Xe + SapphireOneoffers global currency solutions, exchange data, insights and money transfer services which are processed into SapphireOne accounts.
4D + SapphireOneoffers the latest framework for your data management.
For more information on the latest release of SapphireOne ERP, CRM software and Business Accounting Application, contact our office, call on (02) 8362 4500, or request a demo.