November 17, 2021 * John Adams at 12:04 pm
SapphireOne powerful performance tools to track progression in your sales pipeline

Staying on top of your sales pipeline with SapphireOne
SapphireOne integrated ERP, CRM and Business Accounting software has multiple Customer Relationship Management (CRM) features and functionalities that act as powerful performance tools for tracking sales progress in your respective pipeline. Read on to learn about these powerful SapphireOne features and how you can make the most out of these functions for your organisation.

Within SapphireOne, every Quote Client Invoice (QCI) includes a feature called the Closure Rating Slide Bar, which can be used to rate your expectation of the Quote success and sales pipeline progress as a percentage. The Closure Rating Slide Bar is fully customisable for each Quote and can be dragged side to side to indicate how progressed the Quote is out of 100%. For example, 10% for low progress, 90% for high progress, 100% for closure of sale. The Rating is also a searchable field and users can search for Quotes based on their Closure Rating % within the SapphireOne Custom Inquiry screen as seen below, making it a powerful performance tool to track sales progress in your respective pipeline.

As well as the Closure Rating Slide Bar, SapphireOne Quote Client Invoices (QCI) have copious variable Custom Fields where users can enter any term that is searchable and trackable for the specific QCI. This functionality can also be used for tracking the progression of QCI’s sales proposal towards a closed sale.
There are predesigned variable custom fields such as “Class”, “Inquiry” and “Tag” where the user can select appropriate options for categorising and tracking quote progress. For example, a user can Tag a Quote as ‘lost’ or ‘closed’ to show and track the status of the sale within SapphireOne. Within the SapphireOne Custom Inquiry function, users can then customise reporting screens to search and report on Quotes by respective Class, Inquiry and Tag categorisation. This CRM functionality is available across all eight integrated modes of SapphireOne.
Once a specific Quote has been opened, the user can create any required next step or Action through the SapphireOne Actions Page. Actions can include things such as setting automatic email reminders, or creating reminders on the SapphireOne calendar. For example, all Quotes that have a high Closure Rating percentage can have an automatic calendar reminder action set to follow up on the quote in a one or two week period. The Actions Page acts as a powerful reminder tool to keep the sales pipeline progress moving.
Additionally, the Workflow feature in SapphireOne can be configured to send notifications via email or SMS when a change in order status occurs. SapphireOne will automatically populate the report with the relevant data from the lead.
To find out more about the SapphireOne integrated ERP, CRM and Business Accounting application and innovative software solutions, please get in touch – we’re always here to help.
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