September 11, 2023 * John Adams at 5:49 pm

Unleashing the Power of Data – Exploring SapphireOne’s Advanced Reporting and Analytics Tools

In today’s fast-paced business environment, organisations need to make data-driven decisions to stay competitive. SapphireOne understands this need and offers a range of advanced reporting and analytics tools to help businesses unleash the power of their data. In this article, we will explore the key features and functionality of SapphireOne’s reporting and analytics tools, providing you with the knowledge and resources to leverage these tools effectively.

Customisable Dashboards

SapphireOne’s reporting and analytics tools provide customisable dashboards that allow you to visualise your data in a way that suits your business needs. With drag-and-drop functionality, you can easily create personalised dashboards that provide real-time insights into your key performance indicators (KPIs). Whether you want to monitor sales trends, track inventory levels, or analyse financial data, SapphireOne’s customisable dashboards make it easy to access the information that matters most to your business.

Create a customisable dashboard in SapphireOne as follows.

  1. Select “New Dashboard” from the Reports Palette.
  2. Choose the type of dashboard (Graph, Pie, Line, or Meter style).
  3. Enter a title for the dashboard (cannot be changed once created).
  4. Select the table from which the information will be drawn.
  5. Choose the column for the X axis (SapphireOne will select the first column by default).
  6. Select up to three columns for the Y axis.
  7. Provide names for each selected column.
  8. Adjust the position and size of the dashboard as needed.
  9. Set the refresh rate for updating the display.
  10. Optionally, choose to open the dashboard automatically upon user login.
  11. Apply any record queries for data filtering.
  12. Save the dashboard.
  13. Modify the dashboard by selecting the button in the lower right corner.
  14. Right-click within the graph to access additional file management options (Copy, Save As, display formats).

Remember, custom dashboards are read-only, user-specific, and do not affect SapphireOne data.

Learn more about dashboards here – Dashboards – Accounts General Ledger

Interactive Show Reports

SapphireOne’s reporting capabilities go beyond static reports. With interactive reports, you can drill down into your data, apply filters, and perform ad-hoc analysis to uncover hidden trends and patterns. Whether you’re analysing sales data, client behaviour, or financial performance, SapphireOne’s interactive reports empower you to explore your data from multiple angles and gain deeper insights.

To create Interactive Reports in SapphireOne, follow these simple steps.

  1. Access the Inventory Reports menu.
  2. Select the Interactive Reports option.
  3. Customise the criteria and data for the report.
  4. Choose the desired print destination (e.g., PDF, Printer, Custom Report, Quick Report, Labels).
  5. Select the inventory type (Base Inventory or Location Inventory).
  6. Choose the report type (Basic Details, Two Liner, Four Liner, Full Details, Direct Print, Direct Print-2, Bay Status).
  7. Specify the report sort order (by ID, Class, Supplier, YTD Sales Value).
  8. Use the report selection menu to further sort the criteria (Active Only, All Records, Master Table Only, Build Item Only).
  9. Utilise the report buttons for background running, printing, canceling, accessing the record list, customising options, and queuing the report.

Remember, you can also create custom reports using SapphireOne Quick Reports or SapphireOne Custom Reports.

Learn more about Show Reports here – Show Reports (Balances by Client)

Advanced Analytics

SapphireOne’s advanced analytics tools take your data analysis to the next level. With features like predictive analytics, data modelling and forecasting, you can make accurate predictions and informed decisions based on historical data. Whether you’re forecasting sales, optimising Job Projects, inventory levels, or identifying potential risks, SapphireOne’s advanced analytics tools provide the tools you need to stay ahead of the competition.

Examples of our advanced analytics tools include Sapphire Custom List Report. This functionality includes:

Sapphire Custom List Report

  • Access the tool from any transaction or Inquiry list by selecting ‘Custom List Report’ within the tools drop down menu.
  • Use pre-existing report templates to create reports of different dataset lists in SapphireOne.
  • Customise the report parameters as needed.
  • Generate and view the report to analyse the data.

Learn more about Sapphire Custom List Report here – Sapphire Custom List Report

Integration with External API’s and Data Sources

SapphireOne understands that your data may reside in various third party platforms and external data sources. That’s why our reporting and analytics tools seamlessly integrate with an extensive selection of third party API’s and data sources, allowing you to consolidate and analyse data from multiple third party platforms. Whether you need to combine data from your ecommerce EDI, foreign exchange updates and regulatory API’s etc. SapphireOne’s integration capabilities ensure that you have a holistic view of your organisations data.

Learn more about Sapphire Custom List Report here – Sapphire Gateways and Partners

In conclusion SapphireOne’s advanced reporting and analytics tools empower businesses to unleash the power of their data. With customisable dashboards, interactive reports, advanced analytics, and seamless integration with external API’s and data sources, SapphireOne provides the tools you need to make data-driven decisions and drive business growth.

Please note that this article provide only a brief outline of SapphireOnes reporting and analytics functionality. To help you make the most of SapphireOne’s reporting and analytics tools, we provide a comprehensive Knowledge Base with detailed step-by-step instructions, procedures, and helpful tips. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced SapphireOne user, our Knowledge Base is a valuable resource that guides you through the process of creating reports, analysing data, and leveraging advanced analytics features. 

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