June 28, 2022 * John Adams at 4:35 pm
End of Australian Financial Year Payroll/HR

The 30th of June marks the End of the Australian Financial Year for Payroll/HR. With the last Pay Run for this financial year for Australia, SapphireOne clients will need to run their SapphireOne Payroll/HR Year End before commencing their first Start Pay for July 2022.
Before you Start Pay for the new financial year, please ensure all relevant changes have been made to your SapphireOne live data file. The Superannuation increase to 10.5% needs to updated as well as the removal of the exemption minimum of $450.
SapphireOne does not have an exemption for delaying the implementation of Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 beyond 1st July 2022. Due to our compliance, clients will need to ensure all employees are set up with the correct changes for Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 before commencing their first Start Pay for July 2022.
Ancillary or Defence Leave and Cash Out Leave are now included in Single Touch Payroll Phase 2. Ancillary or Defence Leave covers employee leave when engaged in a volunteer program or specific community activity, such as, Australian Defence Forces, Jury Duty and community or emergency services (RSPCA, State Emergency services, Country Fire Authority). Cash Out of Leave is utilised when an employee opts to be paid out leave entitlements i.e. annual or personal leave, long service leave, etc. instead of taking time out from work.
- SapphireOne clients need to run their SapphireOne Payroll/HR Year End before you Start New Pay for July 2022.
- SapphireOne clients need to ensure all employees are set up for Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 before commencing Start Pay for July 2022.
- SapphireOne does not have an exemption for delaying the of implementation of Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 beyond July 1st 2022.
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