May 17, 2019 * John Adams at 12:47 pm
4D World Tour 2019 Development Day

4D World Tour training day was held 15 May 2019 at Cliftons Venues in Sydney. The SapphireOne development team attended as 4D v17 was introduced with features of ORDA, 4D Write Pro, 4D View Pro and many more. New improvements were highlighted, providing developers with sophisticated tools and innovative ideas required for business and productivity. 4D is the language of SapphireOne in our client server application.
Some of the key features of the training day include:
Object Relational Data Access (ORDA) changes the way data is accessed and presented.
“ORDA is a new way of thinking. It’s not just a language. It about relations, data access, using objects, and much more.” Thomas Maul (VP Strategy, 4D). In ORDA, complex relational structures are mapped internally like that of an object, allowing developers to use the entire database as a single object.
4D Write Pro- full of features
4D Write Pro is a powerful text engine, programmable, and fully integrated into 4D and its database. The integrated text engine allows users to design letters, create invoices, catalogues, reports and many other desktop publishing functions. The personalised menus ensure users only get the features they need. Order processing, logistics, correspondence, marketing and document management are advantages of v17.
4D View Pro- list of features has multiplied
4D View Pro allows the users to take advantage of integrated, powerful spreadsheets. There is an advancement in integration with Microsoft Office and Excel spreadsheets are available for reports when working offline. Simply compute the report using 4D View Pro and export into Excel or save as PDF.
Other features 4D World Tour– A new modern interface was released to increases customer satisfaction. Dynamic forms within allow users to build forms that are fully-adaptable to the client’s needs without the need to add or change code. Programmers can easily convert binary forms to dynamic forms to redesign on the fly. 4D also highlighted their new security features that ensure data, websites and server communications are safe and stable.
Click for more information regarding improvements and features within the latest release of SapphireOne ERP, CRM, DMS and Business Accounting Software Application. Alternatively, contact our office on (02) 8362 4500 or request a demo.
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