September 29, 2022 * John Adams at 10:17 am
2022 Premier’s NSW Export Awards Finalist

The SapphireOne team is proud to announce that SapphireOne is a finalist for the 2022 Premier’s NSW Export Awards. SapphireOne is running in the category of Advanced Technologies, highlighting SapphireOne’s achievements in the international market and recognising the ‘success and resilience’ of exporters in New South Wales.
We have had many significant achievements and accomplishments this year. In particular, the SapphireOne Knowledge Base, Single Touch Payroll Phase II certification, and the development and release of SapphireOne 19.4.
The latest version of SapphireOne 19.4 contains significant upgrades and updates, also making SapphireOne 19.4 the first ERP to be fully compatible with Apple Silicon.
Members of the SapphireOne team will be attending the NSW Export Awards on the 12th October 2022. Additionally, the winners of the 13 national categories in this program will be moving forward to the Australian Export Awards. Consequently, the pathway to enter the National Export Awards is through your respective State or Territory awards program only.
Celebrating 60 Years of Australian Export & Investment Awards
The Australian Export & Investment Awards run by the Australian Export Council is one of the longest running business awards programs in Australia. Now in its 60th year, the awards is a national program recognising and honouring Australian exporters. Furthermore, these exporters are achieving sustainable growth through innovation, and international companies making an enduring contribution to the Australian economy.
The Australian Trade and Investment Commission and the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry partner to present the award program. It’s a high priority of the Australian Government and is supported by leading Australian corporations, export facilitators and industry groups.
Equally, the program aims to recognise the success and resilience of NSW exporters and their achievements in the international market. They are announcing the winners of the 13 national categories on 12th October 2022.
Thank you to the Export Council of Australia for recognising SapphireOne, and congratulations to all the finalists!
In addition, we would like to acknowledge the support expressed by all partners:

NSW Government, Export Council of Australia, DHL, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Export Finance Australia, BDO, AusIndustry, Austrade, KPMG.
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